Invisalign Orthodontics | Akron OH (Ohio) | David G. Haas & Maria C. Haas

3500 W. Market St. | Akron, OH 44333 | (330) 666-6541

New Patients

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Initial Examination Visit–Your First Visit

We would like to welcome you to the office of Drs. David and Maria Haas. We hope your visit will be informative as well as enjoyable. Please let the secretary at the reception desk know when you arrive. Our communications coordinator will sit down with you and complete a patient information and medical history form.

Our objective at this visit is to be able to look at the long-term needs of you and/or your child. It is your opportunity to get to know us, have questions answered, and discuss your concerns.

What's next?

If orthodontic treatment is needed at this time, diagnostic records must be made and reviewed by Dr. Haas. These diagnostic records can be taken at the initial visit or scheduled at a different time.

It is our pleasure to provide the initial exam at no cost to thank you for taking your time to meet us.

Diagnostic Records

Before a final diagnosis and comprehensive treatment plan can be made, diagnostic records are taken. These records provide us with information to supplement the clinical exam and allow us to study the case in more detail. Proper diagnosis is critical to success in orthodontic therapy.

The diagnostic records necessary to begin orthodontic treatment consist of the following: two x-rays (panorex and lateral headfilm), facial and dental photographs, and impressions (molds) of the upper and lower teeth. A fee will be charged for the diagnostic records and case work-up.

Treatment Planning Session/Consult

After Dr. Haas has had a chance to review the findings of the clinical examination and the diagnostic records, a treatment plan or "blue print" for the patient's treatment will be formulated.

Once the diagnosis is completed, Dr. Haas and our communications coordinator will review with you the findings. The proposed treatment options, length of treatment and treatment cost will be discussed in detail. If there are different treatment options in a particular case, the pros and cons of each will be discussed. It is necessary for the child to be present at the consult with one or both parents. Spouses and/or significant others are welcome at the adult treatment consult appointment.

What is the cost of the treatment? Treatment fees vary according to the severity of the patient's problem and the time required to treat that problem. The communications coordinator will discuss different payment options as well as appointment policies. Working as a team, we assure you of our commitment to making your experience both a positive and an enjoyable one.

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